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The measuring and computing complex "Vulkan-2005M" and "Vulkan-2005M1 Vacuum Tester" are designed to measure the pressure of vapors and gases in a given volume when determining the thermal stability of substances in the isothermal mode, carried out according to the certified methodology of the customer, developed specifically for each substance. The CPI is included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.
technical specifications
The measurement range of barometric pressure is from 86.6 kPa to 106.7 kPa.
The absolute pressure measurement range should be from 5 kPa to (Ratm. +250) kPa, where Ratm. – atmospheric pressure.
The limit of permissible error of pressure measurement does not exceed the values of:
– barometric - ± 0.5 kPa.
– overpressure - ± 2.0 kPa.
– total (barometric + excessive) - ± 2.5 kPa.
The temperature range in the reaction volumes of primary converters is from +50 to +280 °With the use of reusable fluoroplastic gaskets, from 280 to 400℃ with the use of disposable aluminum gaskets.
Instability of maintaining the set temperature in thermostats for 10 minutes no more than ± 0.1 ° C.
The discreteness of setting the temperature of temperature control is 0.1 ° C.
The error of setting the temperature of temperature control does not exceed ± 2 ° C.
The total volume of the glass is 20 ml.
Minimum vacuum: 5 kPa.
The IVC consists of up to 4 thermostats with primary converters, 8 in each thermostat.
The time interval between measurement cycles in automatic mode is 1 second.
The emergency protection is triggered when the values, pressure or temperature set in the control program are exceeded. The hardware overheat protection of the thermostat is triggered when the maximum operating temperature of the complex is exceeded.
The IVC is powered from an AC mains voltage of 220V with an acceptable deviation from minus 15% to +10% frequency (50 + 1) Hz with a coefficient of nonlinear distortion of no more than 5%.
The output time of the thermostats to the mode from the moment they are turned on does not exceed 3.5 hours.
The power consumption of the CPI, no more than 4 kW.
Overall dimensions of one thermostat, (width × depth × height), no more than -450×460×600mm.
The weight of one thermostat, no more than 32 kg.
The continuous operation time of the CPI is at least 72 hours.