Technical specifications:
Measuring range of mass concentration of mercury vapors in the air, ng/m3 from 20 to 20000
Limits of permissible basic relative error, d0, % ± 20
The limit of permissible relative standard deviation of the analyzer output signal, %5
The limit of the permissible value of the mean square deviation (SKO) of the zero signal, ng/m3 2
Drift of the zero signal of the analyzers in 5 minutes, ng/m3, no more than 2
The limit of permissible change of analyzer readings for 8 hours in fractions of d0 0.5
Time to establish the readings, s, no more than 20
Time of analyzer output to the mode, min, no more than 20
Volumetric flow rate of the analyzed air at the analyzer inlet, dm3/min, not less than 10
Volumetric air flow at the outlet of the gas analyzer system
with the inlet blocked, dm3/min, not more than 0.3
Absorption coefficient of mercury vapor by the built-in sorption filter, %, not less than 98
The limit of permissible additional error due to changes in ambient temperature within the operating range for every 10 ° C, in fractions of d0 0.5
The analyzers are powered by a built-in AC battery voltage (220 ±22) In the frequency
(50 ±1) Hz
Power consumption, In × A, not more than 35
Continuous operation time of the analyzers from the built-in battery, h, at least 8
Overall dimensions of the analyzers, mm, no more than 470x110x220
Mass of analyzers, kg, not more than 7
Reliability indicators
average time to failure, h, at least
the full average life from the built-in AC battery voltage (220 ± 22) In the frequency
(50 ±1) Hz
Power consumption, In × A, not more than 35
Continuous operation time of the analyzers from the built-in battery, h, at least 8
Overall dimensions of the analyzers, mm, no more than 470x110x220
Mass of analyzers, kg, no more than 7
Reliability indicators
average time to failure, hours, at least
full average service life, years, at least 2500