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MAES Analyzer for Scintillation

MAES analyzers for recording atomic emission spectra with a time resolution of 1 ms are based on highly sensitive photodiodes and a special switching board for simultaneous reading of several sections of the spectra. The assembly of the rulers is installed on the "Grand" spectrometer.

A " Flow" or twin-jet arc plasmatron is used to excite the atomic emission spectra of powder samples.

The ATOM software registers the selected spectral lines and provides their processing according to the specified algorithms, taking into account the number and brightness of flashes (i.e. particle size).

Recording the spectra of powder samples with a large time resolution makes it possible to estimate the number and size of individual particles, identify their composition and determine the concentrations of elements in each particle, promptly assess the uniformity of the distribution of certain elements to be determined and expand the possibilities of spectral analysis without significant changes in sample preparation.
Main application areas:

mass analysis of powder geological samples by scintillation to determine gold, silver, platinum group metals, iridium, rhodium, etc. with detection limits up to 0.01 g/t;

qualitative determination of the composition of inclusions and mineral particles.