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60 products
Generators G4-221, G4-221/1
Generators G4-221, G4-221/1
Technical specifications: Frequency range of sinusoidal waveforms, 0.1 Hz - 17 MHz Frequency range of rectangular-shaped signals, 0.1 Hz - 1 MHz Frequency setting discreteness, ±(0.012 + 0.0001 f), f in Hz Frequency instability in 15 minutes, no more than ± 1•10-5 Smooth signal attenuation, 40 dB Stepwise signal attenuation, 20, 40, 60 dB
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Voltmeter demonstration universal VDU-1
Voltmeter demonstration universal VDU-1
Designed to measure electrical quantities (DC voltage and strength, AC voltage and strength, DC electrical resistance) during demonstration work in physics. The device performs the function of a demonstration multimeter. Technical specifications: Measurement of DC voltage from 0 to 100 V measurement error, not more than 1.0 % Measurement of AC voltage from 0 to 60 V measurement error, not more than 1.0% measurement of DC power from 0.01 to 200 measurement error, not more than 1.0 % Measurement of AC power from 0.01 to 200 mA measurement error, not more than 1.0 % Measurement of DC resistance from 1 ohm to 2 mOhm measurement error, no more than 1.0% power supply from the USB port of the computer power consumption, no more than 0.6 V × A weight, no more than 0.3 kg overall dimensions 172x25x77 mm
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Universal calibrator H4-301
Universal calibrator H4-301
Technical specifications: Voltage reproduction range Uk 200 mV 0.07 + 0.01 DC: from 50 MV to 600 V, Uk 2 V 0.05 + 0.005 sub-bands (Uk) 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 600 V Uk 20 V 0.05 + 0.005 Basic error, ± (% of U + % of Uk): Uk 200 V 0.07 + 0.01 Uk 600 V 0.1 + 0.02 Voltage reproduction range UK 200 mV 0.2 + 0.05 AC: from 1 mV to 600 V, Uk 2; 20 V 0.15 + 0.02 sub-bands (Uk) 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 600 V from 20 Hz to 20 kHz Basic error, ± (% of U + % of Uk): sv. 20 to 40 kHz 0.2 + 0.1 Uk 200 V; 600 V: from 40 Hz to 1 kHz 0.2 + 0.05 Power reproduction range Ik 200 Ma 0.1 + 0.02 DC: from 1 Ma to 5 A, Ik 2; 20; 200 mA 0.1 + 0.01 sub-bands (Ik) 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA; 2; 5 A Ik 2 A; 5 A 0.1 + 0.02 Basic error, ± (% of I + % of Ic): AC power reproduction range: from 10 Ma to 5 A sub-bands (Ic) 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA; 2; 5 A 0.15 + 0.05 Frequency range from 20 Hz to 1 kHz Basic error, ± (% of I + % of Ic): USB interface Operating temperature range from minus 10 °C to + 50 °C Dimensions; weight 420×342×184.5 mm; 10 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Digital oscilloscope C8-39
Digital oscilloscope C8-39
It is designed to study periodic signals in the frequency band 0-50 MHz and single electrical signals by registering them in digital memory with a sampling frequency of up to 50 MHz, observing their shape on a liquid crystal display (LCD), measuring the amplitude and time parameters of the signal under study. Technical specifications: Vertical deviation :2 Number of channels 0-50 MHz Rise time of PH ≤ 7.0 ns Input impedance 1 ± 0.03 mOhm, 25 pF Deviation coefficients of 5 mV/div - 2 V/div (step 1-2-5) The maximum input voltage is 100 V With a divider of 1:10 250 V The error of amplitude measurements is a≤ 2 % 5 mV...2 V; 10 ns...2 s/del. ADC: 2 channels, 50 MHz, 8 bits Equivalent sampling rate of 2.5 GHz Marker measurements U: ±2.5%, T: ±1.5% Pre-launch 8 screens, post-launch 150 screens Simultaneous observation of 2 signals Cursor measurements DU and DT Averaging modes and automatic DU and DT measurements LCD screen - 320x240 dots (monochrome) RS 232C interface Dimensions, weight 176x280x80 mm, 3 kg Power supply: +12V, 230B
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Power supply B5-78
Power supply B5-78
Technical specifications: B5-78 (15 V, 3 A); B5-78/1 (30 V, 2 A); B5-78/2 (50 V, 1 A); B5-78/4 (20 V, 1.5 A); B5-78/6 (30 V, 4 A); B5-78/7 (50 B, 2.5 A) Voltage measurement error: ±0.3 V Current measurement error: ±(0.04–0.06) A Voltage instability when the load current changes 0.03% Instability of the current when the voltage changes at a load of 0.2% Voltage ripple 0.5–1 mV Current ripple 0.1% Power consumption 90 - 320 VA Two 3-digit indicators (voltage, current) Adjustments are rough, smooth Dimensions 115x185x360 mm Weight: 3.7 kg (B5-78, B5-78/1, B5-78/2) 3 kg (B5-78/4) 5.5 kg (B5-78/6, B5-78/7) Power supply ~220 V A
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
A set of measures of electrical resistance H2-2
A set of measures of electrical resistance H2-2
Designed for storing and transmitting the size of a resistance unit, as well as for checking and calibration of working resistance measures and complex resistance meters with a four-pair or five-clamp connection scheme in the frequency range from DC to 10 MHz. Description: Each of the resistance measures H2-2 is a precision resistor, in series and in parallel to which fitting resistors are connected, placed in an aluminum housing. The measures have a four-pole connection scheme. Four BNC type connectors (plugs) are located on the wall of the housing. The distance between the connectors is 22 mm. In measures of 100 kOhm and 1 mOhm, it is possible to adjust the value of the time constant of the measure using a tuning capacitor.
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
IPPP-1 Semiconductor Device Parameter Meters
IPPP-1 Semiconductor Device Parameter Meters
Technical specifications: 4-channel automated system for measuring the parameters of semiconductors (including test structures on plates) Study of the VAC of 2, 3, 4-pole Parameters of each channel Source/meter:- U: ±2 V, ±30 V (200 mA), ±120 V (±10 mA), I: ±20, ±200 nA, ±2, ±20, ±200 Ma, ±2, ±10mA, (±120V), ±20, ±200 mA (±30V) Source and meter error U, I ± 0.5% Sensitivity of the U/I meter: 10 mv/ 0.1 pA Graphs, tables, texts, databases RS-232C interface, computer software Dimensions, weight: 450x266x444 mm, 23 kg Power supply: ~220V, 120 VA
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Frequency meters H3-88
Frequency meters H3-88
Designed for measuring the frequency and period of sinusoidal and pulse signals, measuring pulse duration, time intervals, pulse duty cycle, frequency ratio of electrical signals, counting the number of pulses, output of reference frequency signals. Technical specifications: Input to (sinusoidal signal) - range 100 - 2500 MHz Input A, C (sine, pulse) - range 0.01 - 200 MHz Counting time: input A, C – 1, 10, 102, 103, 104 ms; login to – (16•1), (16•10), (16•102), (16•103), (16•104) ms The number of averages. the period of the. vx. signal - 1, 10, 102, 103, 104 Timestamp period – 10-7, 10-6, 10-5, 10-4, 10-3 Borehole measurement at inputs A, C – 1.000001- 999999999 Frequency ratio in channels: A/S and C/A - 0.0001- 999999999; B/S - 0.5 – 999999999 Quartz thermostatic generator The nominal frequency value is 5 MHz Error: ± 5•10-8 - for 30 days, ± 10-7 - for 12 months 9 decimal places Overall dimensions (HXHL) - 285x106x345 mm Weight: 4 kg Reference generator: 1x10-7 for 12 months. Operating conditions: - 10° C ... +50° C
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
A set of hardware and software tools for monitoring systems of parameters of objects and the environment
A set of hardware and software tools for monitoring systems of parameters of objects and the environment
A set of hardware and software is designed to measure physical and chemical quantities when monitoring the parameters of objects and the environment A set of hardware and software tools allows to control the parameters of objects and the environment by visually observing the readings of the data logging unit Technical specifications: Main technical characteristics 1 Air temperature and humidity control module: measurement of ambient temperature.……………..……... from -30 ° C to +60 °C; measurement of the relative humidity of the environment.......... from 10% to 100 %; 2 Differential pressure monitoring module: measuring range..................................................................... from 0 to 700 kPa; 3 PH level monitoring module: measuring range......................................................................... from 0 to plus 12 pH units; 4 Light control module: measuring range..........................................................……………. from 5 to 65000 lux; 5 Distance control module: measuring range.......................................................………………. from 0.04 to 4 m; 6 Rotation angle and angular velocity control module: rotation angle measurement range................................................ from 0 ° to 360 °; angular velocity measurement range ......................................... from 0 °/s to 2000 °/s; 7 : Optical density control module for solutions: measuring range.................................................................... from 0 to 4.8 units of optical density; 8 Module for monitoring the electrical conductivity of solutions: measuring range........................................................................... from 0 to 10 mSm/cm; 9 Data registration unit: - USB 2.0 port; - built-in color display based on the TFT LCD module, diagonal size 4”; - touch panel.
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Digital oscilloscope C8-43
Digital oscilloscope C8-43
It is designed to study periodic signals in the frequency band 0-50 MHz and single electrical signals by registering them in digital memory with a sampling frequency of up to 50 MHz, observing their shape on a liquid crystal display (LCD), measuring the amplitude and time parameters of the signal under study. Description: 2 mV...10 V/div; 10 ns...100 s/del ADC: 2 channels, 100 MHz, 8 bits, 64 KB/channel Equivalent sampling rate of 10 GHz Marker measurements U: ±2.5%,T: ±1.5% Pre-start, averaging,filtering Familiar management interface High-quality, "live" image Additional modes in the "MENU" Low price Screen 80x100 mm (CRT made in Holland) Dimensions, weight: 120x300x380 mm, 7 kg Power supply: ~220V, 80 VA
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Digital oscilloscopes S8-54
Digital oscilloscopes S8-54
Designed to study and measure the parameters of electrical signals in the frequency band from 0 to 200 MHz. Description: 200 MHz bandwidth 2 channels, external synchronization input Vertical sensitivity 2 mV/div Sampling rate up to 400 Mbps, in real time Color LCD screen with LED backlight Saving signals on external media in graphic and text form Cursor measurements and 22 types of digital measurements USB and Ethernet interface Frequency meter function Logger function.
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Immitance meter E7-30
Immitance meter E7-30
Technical specifications: Wide frequency range 25 Hz–3 MHz Capacity (10-15-1) F Inductance (10-11-104) Gn Resistance (10-5-109) Ohms Conductivity (10-11-10) Cm Modulus of complex resistance (10-5-109) ohms Reactance (10-5-109) Om Phase shift angle -90° – +90° Q factor, loss factor 10-4-104 Leakage current (10-8-10-2) A The error is ±0.1% Offset voltage 0 – 40 V (external up to 120 V) Measuring signal level (0.005 – 1) V RS-232C, USB 2.0 interfaces Mathematical processing of measurements Dimensions, weight: 134x270x320 mm, 4 kg Power supply ~230 V, 20 VA
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk