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Acoustic ultrasonic flow meter Volga ML

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Acoustic ultrasonic flow meter Volga ML
from 400 000 ₽
The flow meter is fully developed by Russian specialists in the field of acoustics, hydraulics and electronics, and is designed to measure the volumetric flow rate and volume of water in pipelines, mainly medium and large, under pressure, non-pressure and combined (pressure-free) flow modes. The flowmeter is based on ultrasonic "time-pulse" multipath technology for measuring the flow velocity in the measuring range. In addition, depth sensors (primary transducers) - hydrostatic, radar contactless, ultrasonic underwater or ultrasonic contactless - are used to measure the flow in water ducts with a combined or non-pressure flow mode. In the presence of deposits affecting the shape and area of the live section of the flow, sediment level sensors are used.

Secondary converter

It is available in both stationary (~220 V) and portable versions with autonomous power supply.

Primary converters

Inset and overhead primary converters from the inside allow you to place the measurement gate on any water pipe made of any material, taking into account design features.

Pipe sizes

Du, mm: 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, up to 15000 mm

The Volga ML acoustic ultrasonic flowmeter is registered as a type of measuring instrument in the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements for No. 78414-20 (MP 2550-0361-2019).

The Volga ML acoustic ultrasonic flow meter has been recognized as the winner in the nomination Best Technology of the International Environmental Award EWA Award 2020.