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8 products
AC voltage calibrator H5-5
AC voltage calibrator H5-5
The calibrator is capable of operating both autonomously and as part of automated measuring systems with interfaces such as USB, RS-232, IEEE-488 (CPC). Technical specifications Ranges of reproduction of alternating electric voltage in the frequency range: - from 10 Hz to 100 MHz from 3 MV to 3 V - over 100 MHz to 2000 MHz from 30 MV to 3 V Errors in the reproduction of alternating electric voltage in the frequency range: - from 10 Hz to 100 kHz ± (0.066 – 0.8)% - over 100 kHz to 100 MHz ± (0.85 – 2.5)% - over 100 MHz to 700 MHz ± (1.5 – 12.7)% - over 700 MHz to 2000 MHz ± (4.3 -14.0)% General characteristics: Operating temperature range from 5 to 40 °C AC power supply 220 V, 50 Hz Power consumption, no more than 180 VA Overall dimensions, mm 495x217x411 Weight, not more than 24 kg
Produced in: Moscow
Universal calibrator H4-20A
Universal calibrator H4-20A
The calibrator is capable of operating both independently and as part of automated measuring systems with interfaces such as RS-232 and ETHERNET. Technical specifications Ranges of reproduction of quantities: - constant electrical voltage from 500 MV to 1000 V - alternating electric voltage in the frequency range from 40 Hz to 2.5 kHz from 1 mV to 1000 V - the power of direct electric current from 10 µA to 50 A - the power of alternating electric current in the frequency range from 40 Hz to 2.5 kHz from 100 µA to 50 A - frequency of alternating electric voltage from 40 Hz to 2.5 kHz Errors in reproducing quantities: - constant electric voltage ± (0.02 – 2.4)% - alternating electric voltage in the frequency range from 40 Hz to 2.5 kHz ± (0.03 – 2.1)% - constant electric current ± (0.03 – 0.25)% - alternating electric current in the frequency range from 40 Hz to 2.5 kHz ± (0.04 -0.25)% - frequency of alternating electric voltage ± 0.02% The value of the phase shift between voltage and current with simultaneous ignition ± 2 ° General characteristics: Operating temperature range from 5 to 40 °C AC power supply 220 V, 50 Hz Power consumption, no more than 1000 VA Overall dimensions, mm 455x198x463 Weight, not more than 20 kg
Produced in: Moscow
Universal calibrator H4-24
Universal calibrator H4-24
The main field of application of the calibrator is the verification of measuring instruments. The calibrator is capable of operating both independently and as part of automated measuring systems with interfaces such as USB, RS-232, IEEE-488 and ETHERNET. Technical specifications Ranges of reproduction of electrical quantities: - constant electrical voltage from 0 to 1000 V - alternating electric voltage in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 70 kHz from 0.9 mV to 1050 V - alternating electric voltage in the frequency range up to 100 kHz up to 750 V - alternating electrical voltage in the frequency range up to 1 MHz to 110 V - the power of direct electric current from 0 to 2 A - the power of alternating electric current in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 kHz from 0.9 µA to 2 A - electrical resistance of 1, 10, 100 ohms, 1,10,100 kOhm, 1,10,100 mOhm Errors in the reproduction of electrical quantities: - constant electrical voltage ± (0.0012 – 0.003)% of U + (0.0003 – 0.015)% of Up - alternating electric voltage in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 MHz ± (0.007 – 0.3)% of U + (0.001 – 0.25)% of Up - DC current ± (0.004 – 0.007)% of I + (0.001 – 0.01)% of Ip - AC electric current in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 kHz ± (0.015 – 0.1)% of I + (0.002 – 0.1)% of Ip - electrical resistance ± (0.002 – 0.005)% General characteristics: Operating temperature range from 5 to 40 °C AC power supply 220 V, 50 Hz Power consumption, no more than 500 VA Overall dimensions, mm 480x200x550 Weight, not more than 35 kg
Produced in: Moscow
Universal calibrator H4-301/1
Universal calibrator H4-301/1
Technical specifications: Voltage reproduction range Uk 200 mV 0.07 + 0.01 DC: from 50 MV to 600 V, Uk 2 V 0.05 + 0.005 sub-bands (UK) 200 MV; 2; 20; 200; 600 V Uk 20 V 0.05 + 0.005 Basic error, ± (% of U + % of Uk): Uk 200 V 0.07 + 0.01 Uk 600 V 0.1 + 0.02 Voltage reproduction range Uk 200 mV 0.2 + 0.05 AC: from 1 mV to 600 V, sv. 20 to 40 kHz 0.2 + 0.1 sub-bands (Uk) 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 600 V Uk 2; 20 V 0.15 + 0.02 Basic error, ± (% of U + % of Uk): from 20 Hz to 20 kHz 0.15 + 0.02 Uk 200 V; 600 V: 0.2 + 0.05 from 40 Hz to 1 kHz 0.2 + 0.05 DC power reproduction range: from 1 Ma to 200 mA, sub-bands (Ic) 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA Ic 200 Ma 0.1 + 0.02 Basic error, ± (% of I + % of Ic): Ic 2; 20; 200mA 0.1 + 0.01 Power reproduction range AC: from 10 Ma to 200 mA, sub-ranges (Ic) 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA 0.15 + 0.05 Frequency range from 20 Hz to 1 k Hz Basic error, ± (% of I + % of Ic): USB interface Operating temperature range from minus 10 to +50 C Dimensions; weight 428×327×235× mm; 10 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Universal calibrator H4-201
Universal calibrator H4-201
Technical specifications: reproduction of DC voltage from 50 mv to 1000 V - ranges of 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 1000 V - error 0.01 – 0.023 % reproduction of the sinusoidal AC voltage from 0.3 mV to 750 V - ranges of 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 750 V - error 0.15 – 0.225 % - frequency range 20 Hz - 100 kHz (20 Hz - 5 kHz on the range. 200 V; 20 Hz - 2.5 kHz on the range. 750 V) reproduction of DC power from 0.03 µA to 50 A - ranges of 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA; 2; 50 A - error 0.012 – 0.022 % reproduction of AC power of sinusoidal shape from 3 µA to 50 A - ranges of 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA; 2; 50 A - error 0.062 – 0.23 % - frequency range 20 - 5000 Hz (45 - 1000 Hz on the range. 50 A) RS-232C interfaces; USB operating temperature range from + 5 to +40oC dimensions 184.5x465x540.5 mm weight 20 kg power supply ~ 230 V
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
AK-1000 Acoustic calibrator
AK-1000 Acoustic calibrator
characteristics The AK-1000 is recommended for use with OCTAVE-101A, OCTAVE-101AM, OCTAVE-110A, OCTAVE-110A-ECO, OCTAVE-121, OCTAPHONE-110, OCTAVE-201, ECOPHYSICS-110A sound meters. The AK-1000 can be used for calibration of acoustic measuring paths with VMK-205, MK-265, MR-201, M-201, MK-233 microphones, and other ½-inch microphones. technical specifications Reproducible ultrasound, dB (rel. 20 µPa): 94 and 114 The limits of the permissible basic error of the reproducible ultrasound, dB: ± 0.25 Limits of the permissible additional error of the ultrasound caused by a change in ambient temperature in the operating temperature range, dB: ± 0.08 Frequency of the reproduced sound pressure, Hz: 1000 Limits of the permissible basic relative error of reproduction of the sound pressure frequency, %: ± 0.7 Limits of the permissible additional relative error of the sound pressure frequency caused by a change in ambient temperature in the operating temperature range, %: ± 0.07 Coefficient of nonlinear distortion, %, not more than: 2.5 Weight (with batteries), kg, no more than: 0.250 Overall dimensions (length×diameter), mm, no more: 158×35 Operating conditions: - ambient temperature, ° C: from minus 10 to 50 - relative humidity (at 40 ° C), %, not more than: 90 - atmospheric pressure, kPa: from 65 to 108
Produced in: Moscow
Universal calibrator H4-301
Universal calibrator H4-301
Technical specifications: Voltage reproduction range Uk 200 mV 0.07 + 0.01 DC: from 50 MV to 600 V, Uk 2 V 0.05 + 0.005 sub-bands (Uk) 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 600 V Uk 20 V 0.05 + 0.005 Basic error, ± (% of U + % of Uk): Uk 200 V 0.07 + 0.01 Uk 600 V 0.1 + 0.02 Voltage reproduction range UK 200 mV 0.2 + 0.05 AC: from 1 mV to 600 V, Uk 2; 20 V 0.15 + 0.02 sub-bands (Uk) 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 600 V from 20 Hz to 20 kHz Basic error, ± (% of U + % of Uk): sv. 20 to 40 kHz 0.2 + 0.1 Uk 200 V; 600 V: from 40 Hz to 1 kHz 0.2 + 0.05 Power reproduction range Ik 200 Ma 0.1 + 0.02 DC: from 1 Ma to 5 A, Ik 2; 20; 200 mA 0.1 + 0.01 sub-bands (Ik) 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA; 2; 5 A Ik 2 A; 5 A 0.1 + 0.02 Basic error, ± (% of I + % of Ic): AC power reproduction range: from 10 Ma to 5 A sub-bands (Ic) 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA; 2; 5 A 0.15 + 0.05 Frequency range from 20 Hz to 1 kHz Basic error, ± (% of I + % of Ic): USB interface Operating temperature range from minus 10 °C to + 50 °C Dimensions; weight 420×342×184.5 mm; 10 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk