In 2023, about 200 scientific organizations in Russia to receive grants to upgrade their equipment

January 12, 2023
In 2023, about 200 scientific organizations in Russia to receive grants to upgrade their equipment

"Within the framework of the national project 'Science and Universities', this year the Government is going to provide grants for upgrading equipment up to 15.5 billion rubles, 3.7 billion more than last year. The purchase of Russian–made equipment is one of the mandatory conditions. The new equipment will allow Russian scientists to carry out advanced research and obtain scientific results aimed at the scientific and technological development of Russia", said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko.

The new equipment will allow our scientists to carry out advanced research and obtain scientific results aimed at the scientific and technological development of the country, while ensuring modern working conditions that contribute to attracting young people to science. It is the key goal of the Decade of Science and Technology announced by the President of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation increases progressively the requirements for the minimum volume of purchases of Russian equipment. "We will keep working in close contact with the professional community to support our researchers and create conditions for achieving breakthrough results. I would like to emphasize that updating equipment in today's realities aims not only to produce competitive technologies, but also to reduce dependence on foreign components," said Valery Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education.

The goals of the national project "Science and Universities" envisage that Russia should be among the top five countries carrying out research and development in areas that would ensure its scientific and technological development. Attractive working conditions should be created for Russian and foreign leading scientists, as well as young researchers, and funding for research and development should be increased.

Thus, the Coordination Council and the Youth Center of the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators (VOIR) have already launched the project "NASHA LABA", which already includes almost 9200 items from 189 manufacturers.