Designed for use in the Kjeldahl apparatus used to determine nitrogen. Variants: 2-250-26 TS 2-100-22 TU 9464-019-29508133-2015, TS 2-1000-34 TU 9464-019-29508133-2015, TS 2-250-34 TU 9464-019-29508133-2015, TS 2-500-34 TS TU 9464-019-29508133-2015
Designed for use in the Kjeldahl apparatus used to determine nitrogen. Variants: 1-100-14/23 TS 1-100-19/26 TS 1-1000-29/32 TS 1-250-19/26 specifications 9464-019-29508133-2015, TS 1-50-14/23 TS 1-500-29/32 specifications 9464-019-29508133-2015, TS