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Desktop microtomography system PRODIS.Compact

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Desktop microtomography system PRODIS.Compact
from 12 000 000 ₽
PRODIS.Compact is an easy–to-use desktop X-ray microtomograph for production and research laboratories. Microtomography is used to search for voids, inclusions, evaluate the geometry of parts and the quality of joints, non-destructive testing, industrial flaw detection and scientific research.
This is the basic technology of non-destructive testing in research and technological control and analysis in the development and debugging of production processes.
The compact design allows the equipment to be placed in small rooms without special requirements and provides full protection from X-rays in accordance with OSPORB-99.
The microtomograph operates in real-time 2D X-ray or 3D tomography mode with a resolution of up to 1 micron.
The complex includes VolÅn volumetric analysis software with a wide range of tools for spatial visualization, measurement, segmentation and export of results.
The equipment can be used for educational purposes.
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