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Primelab water jet pump (various options)
Primelab water jet pump (various options)
from 3 518 ₽
1 supp.
The PrimeLab water jet pump is a simple but effective laboratory device for pumping air from an evaporator, reactor and other equipment, as well as creating a vacuum without connecting to an electrical network. For operation, the use of water supply is sufficient. The pump is made of tempered heat-resistant glass, which ensures a long service life in the absence of serious mechanical damage. At the top of the pump there is a tube to which a soft hose is attached. Through it, water enters the water jet pump. There is a drain pipe at the bottom through which the water drains. A device is connected to the side tube in which it is necessary to pump out the air.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region
“KELTRUN” unit for the determination of nitrogen and protein mass fraction by Kjeldahl method by Sibagropribor
“KELTRUN” unit for the determination of nitrogen and protein mass fraction by Kjeldahl method by Sibagropribor
from 437 000 ₽
The Kjeldahl method is one of the most accurate methods for determining nitrogen and protein in a wide group of products, but, unfortunately, it has a number of significant drawbacks - these are low speed, a large number of possible losses during the analysis, bulky equipment, and the use of aggressive reagents. Sibagropribor Holding presents KELTRUN (KELTRUN) - a set of equipment for carrying out a complete analytical cycle according to the Kjeldahl method, which will allow: • to increase the speed of analyzes (high speed of distillation and ashing, simultaneous processing of several samples); • ensure the safety of personnel (high quality of reaction vessels, effective absorption of acid vapors by the exhaust system, additional protection of personnel in emergency situations); • reduce possible losses in the analysis process; • improve the reproducibility of results. «KELTRAN» (KELTRUN) will allow you to determine nitrogen / protein in the widest list of substances: • food products: dairy, cereals, meat, cereals, etc.; • feed and compound feed; • fertilizers; • water, drinks, beer; • soil, bottom sediments, sediment samples, activated sludge; • crude oil, lubricants; • various chemicals; • alcohol content in wines, musts and spirits; • etc. The set of equipment «KELTRAN» (KELTRUN) allows you to analyze according to GOST and determine the nitrogen content in the range of 0.02 - 99.00%. Composition of the complex «KELTRAN» (KELTRUN): - Digestor; - Distiller; - Scrubber (*not included in the price of the complex); - Titration unit: manual, semi-automatic or automatic (*not included in the price of the complex); Warranty - 1 year. Important feature! In many distillers (made in China and others), when used, alkali passes through a valve-type pump, with a low production resource (sometimes the resource is enough for only 3 months). In the distiller of our production, the alkali passes through a RELIABLE PERISTALTIC PUMP, this ensures a long service life of the distiller! Package options Cost (including VAT): Digestor, Distiller, Water jet pump 379,400 rubles; Digestor, Distiller, Water jet pump, Scrubber 434,700 rubles; Digestor, Distiller, Water jet pump, Manual titration unit 396,900 rubles; Digestor, Distiller, Water jet pump, Scrubber, Manual titration unit 452,200 rubles; Digestor, Distiller, Water jet pump, Kit «Titrion-pH» (c2) 605,400 rubles; Digestor, Distiller, Water jet pump, Scrubber, «Titrion-pH» kit (c2) 660,700 rubles.
Produced in: Novosibirsk region, Krasnoobsk