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Tishchenko flask for flushing gases through Primelab liquid
Tishchenko flask for flushing gases through Primelab liquid
1 supp.
The Tishchenko Primelab flask for flushing gases through liquid has a non-standard design. Two outlets with olives at the ends are soldered into the outer part, which provide a strong connection with the hoses. There is a partition in the middle of the container. It is thanks to this form that the quality of gas purification is improved. The main purpose of the bottle is washing, cleaning and drying gases. The Tishchenko flask was made by the Primelab company from borosilicate glass, which has a fairly long service life even with intensive use.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region
Tishchenko flask for flushing gases through Primelab bulk substances
Tishchenko flask for flushing gases through Primelab bulk substances
The Tishchenko flask for washing gases through bulk substances produced by the Primelab company is a laboratory container. It has a closed shape with oppositely located branches, at the ends of which there are small olives. Thanks to their presence, the bottle can be reliably and firmly connected to the equipment using a soft hose. There is a partition in the middle that does not reach the end. Flushing of gases is carried out when they pass through granular substances, where unwanted impurities are retained. The Tishchenko bottle is made from high-quality borosilicate glass. It has absolute transparency, which allows you to observe all processes inside the container.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region
Tishchenko flask for flushing gases through bulk substances. Primelab
Tishchenko flask for flushing gases through bulk substances. Primelab
1 supp.
Склянка Тищенко – это специальная лабораторная емкость, которая используется для проведения процесса промывки газов через сыпучие вещества. Она позволяет эффективно очищать газы от примесей, а также подготавливать их для дальнейших исследований. Принцип работы склянки Тищенко основан на прохождении газа через слой сыпучего вещества, которое улавливает и удерживает нежелательные примеси. Благодаря своей конструкции, эта склянка обеспечивает равномерное распределение газов по всему объему сыпучего материала, что позволяет достичь максимальной эффективности промывки
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region