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123 products
KOIDZ-VD Sets of samples of artificial defects and gaps
KOIDZ-VD Sets of samples of artificial defects and gaps
from 0 ₽
KOIDZ-VD kits consist of samples of artificial defects (SAD) and samples of gaps (SG). Samples of artificial defects are made in the form of flat and curved plates and cylinders, on the working surfaces of which defects are made in the form of continuity violations like slits of various depths, opening widths and lengths. The working surfaces of flat SADs are two opposite surfaces on which longitudinal slits are cut by an electroerosion method The working surfaces of the SAD, reproducing a positive curved surface, are samples with a cylindrical surface. The working surface of the SAD reproducing negative curvature is the inner surface of the curved plate — the place of inflection. The KOIDZ-VD kit contains an SAD for determining the influence of various quantities. To determine the effect of the roughness of the working surfaces, the kit contains SADs with different roughness, on which defects of the same depth are made. To determine the effect of positive curvature and surface roughness, the kit contains cylindrical samples with different roughness of working surfaces on which defects of the same depth are made. To determine the simultaneous effect of negative curvature and surface roughness, the kit contains curved plates on which two defects of the same depth are cut, one of which is located on the flat, the other on the curved parts of the sample. To determine the effect of the chemical composition of the material of the controlled products, the kit contains samples of steel 10, steel 20 and steel 45. The same defects are made on each sample. To account for the influence of specific electrical conductivity, the kit contains samples from non-magnetic structural materials: aluminum alloy D16T and titanium alloy VT-23. The same defects are made on each sample. Gap samples are flat and curved plates of different thicknesses made of dielectric material. Technical specifications The range of nominal values of the depth of defects, mm: from 0.1 to 10. The limits of permissible error of the value of the depth of defects, mm: from ± 0.02 to ± 0.25. The range of nominal values of the width of the opening of defects, mm: from 0.03 to 0.15. The limits of the permissible error of the width of the opening of defects, mm: from ± 0.01 to ± 0.05. The range of nominal values of the length of defects, mm: from 6 to 100. The limits of permissible error of the value of the length of defects, mm: from ± 0.5 to ± 1. The range of nominal values of the thickness of the dielectric gap samples, mm: from 0.2 to 10. The limits of the permissible error of the thickness of the samples, mm: from ± 0.02 to ± 0.5. The range of nominal values of the radius of curvature of curved surfaces with defects, mm: - convex: from 13 to 510; - concave: 10.
Produced in: Moscow
Spectrophotometer UV-VIS PB2201
Spectrophotometer UV-VIS PB2201
1 supp.
Measuring functions Measurement of absorption, transmission, and reflection spectra Measurement of optical density, transmission coefficient and reflection coefficient at fixed wavelengths Determination of concentration at one, two, three wavelengths by factor, standard, schedule Multi-wave kinetic measurements Determination of concentration by programmed methods Calculation of color and chromaticity coordinates UVI spectrophotometers "SOLAR" operate in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions of the spectrum. They are used in scientific laboratories, healthcare institutions, veterinary medicine, pharmaceuticals, ecology, biology, etc., in laboratories for quality control of products and raw materials in various sectors of the economy (industrial enterprises, agriculture, food industry, etc.) Removable cuvette holders and set-top boxes Accurate measurements Cost-effectiveness Touch screen Built-in printer Software support
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
AS-3 Areometer-saccharometer by Chimlabpribor
AS-3 Areometer-saccharometer by Chimlabpribor
from 1 224.12 ₽
Designed to measure the concentration of sugar in sugar-containing solutions by weight of dry matter. Hydrometers are manufactured in accordance with GOST 18481-81.
Produced in: Wedge, Moscow region
UNM-2000/6000 portable magnetizing device
UNM-2000/6000 portable magnetizing device
The principle of operation of the means of magnetic particle control The portable device UNM-2000/6000 of the MANUL series is a magnetic particle flaw detector that provides measurements by the applied field method and the residual magnetization method using direct, alternating and pulsed current with specified parameters. External magnetizing devices included in the kit (solenoids, electromagnets, contact devices for connecting cables) allow for longitudinal, transverse and circular magnetization of the object under study. A special magnetic powder, dry or in the form of an emulsion, is applied to the controlled surface. Inhomogeneities of the magnetic field in the places of defects lead to the accumulation of powder particles, thus "showing" a hidden picture. Design features and advantages of the UNM-2000/6000 powder flaw detector: In the MANUL series, the UNM-2000/6000 device is capable of providing the highest magnetization current (up to 6000 A in pulse mode), which allows you to control products having a large mass or size, as well as those made of magnetohard alloys; The device can be included in automated quality control stands: there are network interfaces (LAN, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) for connection; microprocessor control provides storage and reproduction of magnetization and demagnetization parameters, logging of control results, automatic demagnetization; The design is modular, allows for changes to implement the individual wishes of the customer; It fully complies with the following standards: GOST R 56512-2015, GOST R 53700-2009 (ISO 9934-3:2002), GOST R 50.05.06-2018, GOST R ISO 10893-5-2016, GOST ISO 17638-2018 , RD 34.17.102-88, RD-13-05-2006 and other Russian and foreign standards regarding the requirements for magnetizing devices and magnetic particle flaw detectors; It is approved for use by industry regulatory documents, in particular, by the Russian Railways. Scope of application Magnetic powder control devices are widely used in various industries, construction and transport, from steel and pipe rolling plants to organizations engaged in the operation and repair of machines, mechanisms and vehicles. Magnetic powder flaw detectors belong to the means of non-destructive testing and therefore can be used to detect defects in products and structures operating under pressure, including at chemical and oil and gas industry enterprises, as well as during the operation of pipelines. In particular, devices for monitoring by the magnetic powder method have proven themselves well at Russian Railways and metro enterprises engaged in the operation and repair of rolling stock, including for the control of shafts, wheels and wheel pairs, gearboxes, springs, couplers and other loaded components and parts. Technical specifications: Magnetization currents: Variable, Pulse, Rectified (only for solenoid and electromagnet) The measurement error of the magnetization current is no more than 10%. Characteristics of the pulse current: The repetition frequency of unipolar current pulses during magnetization and of multipolar current pulses during demagnetization is (2 ± 0.2) Hz. The duration of the current pulses is at least 1.5 ms. Magnetic characteristics of the solenoid: The maximum alternating magnetic field in the center of a single solenoid is at least 100 A/cm. The maximum alternating magnetic field on the axis in the center between two solenoids located at a distance of 200 mm is at least 60 A/cm. The maximum permanent magnetic field in the center of a single solenoid is at least 80 A/cm. The maximum permanent magnetic field on the axis in the center between two solenoids located at a distance of 200 mm is at least 50 A/cm. Values of magnetization currents: The maximum alternating magnetization current in the unwound cable is 6 m × 50 mm2 and on the electrical contacts is at least 2000 A. The maximum pulse magnetization current in an unwound cable of 4 m × 10 mm2 and on electrical contacts is at least 6000 A. The current adjustment range in the solenoids and the electromagnet is from 0.5 to 4.5 A. Characteristics of the electromagnet: The maximum alternating magnetic field in the air gap of the electromagnet depending on the interpolar distance is as follows: - in the 140 mm gap: at least 75 A/cm; - in the 40 mm gap: at least300 A/cm. The maximum constant magnetic field in the air gap of the electromagnet depending on the interpolar distance is as follows: - in the 140 mm gap: at least 100 A/cm; - in the 40 mm gap: at least 400 A/cm. Operating mode: The operating mode is cyclic: magnetization/pause. The magnetization time is adjustable from 1 to 40 s. The demagnetization time is adjustable from 5 to 60 seconds. Demagnetization of parts is performed automatically. The time of setting the operating mode is no more than 15 seconds. The duration of continuous operation is at least 8 hours. Power supply parameters: The device is powered by an AC power supply with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. The power consumed from the network is no more than 5 kVA. Overall characteristics: Overall dimensions of the device (w × h × d) – no more than 267×245×465 mm. The weight of the device is not more than 50 kg. Other characteristics: The average worktime before failure is at least 12500 hours. The average recovery time is no more than 6 hours. The average service life of the device is at least 10 years. Сompliance with standards The device fully complies with the requirements of GOST R 56512-2015, GOST R 53700-2009 (ISO 9934-3:2002), GOST R 50.05.06-2018, GOST R ISO 10893-5-2016, GOST ISO 17638-2018, RD 34.17.102-88 and RD-13-05-2006 in terms of the requirements for magnetizing devices and magnetic particle flaw detectors. Identification of the load. It performs automatic identification of the types of connected load: cables, solenoids and electromagnet. Control of the connected load current It allows you to control the current of the connected AC/DC electromagnets and solenoids. The kit includes: 1 Electrical contact with cable, cross section 50 mm2, length 3m 2 Solenoid cable, 3m long 3 Solenoid cable, 0.5m long 4 Magnetizing cable, cross section 10 mm2, length 6m 5 Magnetizing cable, cross section 50 mm2, length 6m 6 Solenoid - 2pcs 7 The electromagnet is manual 8 Trolley 9 Power unit UNM 2000/6000
Produced in: Moscow